Top Alcohol and Drug Rehabs in Denver, CO
Most people in Denver, CO want to speak with a counselor about their addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. By speaking with one of our knowledgeable counselors by calling 1-888-534-1219, you are taking the very first step in finding the most suitable addiction treatment for your specific needs.
Denver has 75 Alcohol and Drug Rehab(s) listed below.

Call now to speak with a treatment specialist to help you find the best rehab program that fits your specific needs.
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List of Drug Rehab Centers in Denver, CO
The most common types of treatment people look for in an alcohol and drug rehab center are Inpatient, Outpatient, Detox and Free or Medicaid / Low Cost. You can use our filter above to see only recovery centers that offer one of these types of treatment as well as average costs.
Inpatient Drub Rehab, or Residential Treatment as it's commonly referred to, is the most comprehensive treatment option available. Individuals will stay 30 - 90 days at the treatment center with a full curriculum of specialized treatment modalities that provide the highest success rates. Inpatient treatment costs between $20,000 - $50,000 dollars on average. The variance depends on the level of treatment as well as your length of stay. Most inpatient drug rehabs take insurance from any of the major carriers which will help offset the cost.
Outpatient Treatment or counseling is ideal for people who have responsibilities outside of treatment that must be attended to. Outpatient treatment will require that you attend a treatment center daily for counseling and therapy sessions. Once you have completed your treatment for the day, you can return home. While flexibility in schedule is appealing to many people, it can also be a distraction for those that need to put their full focus on recovery. Outpatient programs typically cost somewhere between $5,000 to $10,000 dollars. The price can go up if you are getting treatment from a well known or reputable treatment center.
Detoxification is the first part of your recovery process before rehab. Depending on your addiction, you may go through a medical detox that slowly weens you off any substances you have been using. The purpose of detox is to help you get through the withdrawal process safely and minimize any discomfort you may experience. Detox is usually an extra cost on top of treatment which many people are not aware of. Depending on the length of your detox period, prices can range anywhere from $4,000 to $6,000 dollars.
Low Cost / Medicaid
Good treatment usually isn't cheap, but any type of treatment is better than letting your addiction continue. Free and low cost rehabs generally use a sliding fee scale to help bring costs of treatment down as it is based on your income level instead of a set price. Some rehabs will also accept Medicaid insurance to cover treatment. Getting help is the important thing, and there are options available for everyone, regardless of income.
Sandstone Care Day Treatment and Intensive Outpatient
7555 East Hampden AveDenver, CO 80231
Salvation Army Adult Rehab Ctr Alcohol Abuse HH Care
4751 North BroadwayDenver, CO 80216
Denver Health Medical Center Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
667 Bannock StreetDenver, CO 80204
Sisters of Color United for Education Simple Denver
1400 North Williams StreetDenver, CO 80218
Denver Health Community Detox Denver Health Behavioral Health Servs
1155 Cherokee StreetDenver, CO 80204
Colorado Health Network Inc DBA Colorado AIDS Project
2490 West 26th AvenueDenver, CO 80211
University of Colorado Denver ARTS Peer I Motivation House
3702-3712 West Princeton CircleDenver, CO 80236
Creative Treatment Options Substance Abuse Treatment Services
1410 Vance StreetDenver, CO 80228
303-467-2624 x1
Porter Adventist Hospital Behavioral Health 1 South
2525 South Downing StreetDenver, CO 80210
Denver Health and Hospital Authority Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
777 Bannock StreetDenver, CO 80204
Mile High Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse/DBA Mile High Behav Hlth
4242 Deleware StreetDenver, CO 80216
Community Alcohol Drug Rehab and Education Center (CADREC)
3315 Gilpin StreetDenver, CO 80205
Tennyson Center for Children at Colorado Christian Home
2950 Tennyson StreetDenver, CO 80212
Life Recovery Center Community Counseling and Consulting
11658 North Huron StreetDenver, CO 80234
Comprehensive Behavioral Health Center Methadone and Suboxone Maintenance
2217 Champa StreetDenver, CO 80205
Alpar Human Development Services Alcohol Outpatient Treatment
1330 Leyden StreetDenver, CO 80220
ARTS University of CO Denver Anschutz Peer I Dedication House
3722-3726 West Princeton CircleDenver, CO 80236
Ideas Directed at Eliminating Abuse IDEA Thornton
9150 North Washington StreetDenver, CO 80229
Veterans Affairs Medical Center Substance Abuse Treatment Program
1055 Clermont StreetDenver, CO 80220
303-399-8020 x2882
ARTS Univ of CO Health Science Center ARTS Parkside Clinic
1620 Gaylord StreetDenver, CO 80206
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Still haven't found what you are looking for? There are a number of Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers around you.
Here is a list of cities in Adams, Denver, Arapahoe and Jefferson Counties that have Drug Treatment Facilities:
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